
You Wouldn’t Believe These Bad Habits Will Make You Age Faster Without You Realizing. Would You?

You Wouldn't Believe These Bad Habits Will Make You Age Faster Without You Realizing. Would You?

Last week, we took a look at some bad habits that can cause you to look older than you should. Here are even more of such habits and more that you wouldn’t even suspect may be causing you to age faster.


Of all the habits on this list, smoking is one of the most notorious for speeding up the ageing process. Studies conducted on identical twins – one who smokes and ones who didn’t- showed that the smoking twins always had additional wrinkles and sagging skins. The photos of these twins are enough to show how much smoking contributes to premature aging.

Rubbing Your Eyes 

Due to allergies, some people tend to rub their eyes to get relief from an itch. This constant pulling and dragging of the delicate skin around the eye can cause dark circles to appear and make you look older than you really are. If you find yourself itching your eye constantly, then try to see an allergist to diagnose and treat your symptom. Also, applying makeup is another thing that puts pressure around the eye. So, try to be gentle with the skin around your eyes when applying makeup.

Not Taking Breaks 

When was the last time you took out some time to relax and just have fun? Whether it’s reading a good book, going for a walk or hanging out with friends. You always need to take breaks to enhance your mood and ensure wellness so that you don’t age faster than you should.

READ ALSO: Slay queens, come here! These habits are what you need to remain at the top of your game


When you’re constantly stressed over little things, not only does it affect your mood but it also affects the way you age in the long run. That’s why it is good not to take life too seriously. Always try to laugh things off whenever you can and just take things as they come. And even when you find yourself in bad situations, keep in mind that they won’t last forever and you can always find a solution or change your mindset about these situations.

Overworking Yourself 

Overworking yourself to an extent in which you have little or no time for yourself, friends and family, or even sleep may be detrimental to your health in the long run. While this may take you far in your career, it may cause you to fall behind in other areas of your life.

Besides, there is no point in getting that promotion if you’re only going to feel older and age faster than you should. Thanks for reading!


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