If you find yourself sitting down regularly to watch movies with your parents, then you have to avoid watching the movies you watch with them.
These are movies that despite their great storylines should never be watched with your parents for your family movie night.
- The Wolf of Wall Street
You’ll feel worse when you watch this movie with your parents. This is because they will disapprove of the terrible behaviour and the drug use and graphic sex scenes in the movie.
- Boogie nights
Watching actual porn with your parents is very insane, but there are movies that are like watching actual porn with your parents. Boogie Nights shows sex scenes in a bizarre way and Mark Wahlberg actually revealed something really private.
You should never watch this with your parents!
- American beauty
The Best Picture winner with great performances is a kind of movie that you might consider watching with your parents.
However, with scenes such as a father fantasizing with an underage girl and a mom having an affair, you should reconsider watching a movie that will make them uncomfortable.
- American psycho
This movie isn’t just a serial killer drama, it displays sociopathy and violence. You might have to question your parents if they enjoy watching this movie with you!
- Dancer in the dark