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What To Expect From Your Study Abroad Experience

What To Expect From Your Study Abroad Experience

Many students take the opportunity of an international experience expecting that it will change their lives. And according to research, it does change the lives of many people. Having an abroad study experience can affect different people positively in different ways. Some find they really enjoy a new culture, while some find the new ways very confusing or aggravating and cannot wait to return to the comforts of home.

An international experience can help you find your true calling academically. Given the improved educational system abroad, many tend to find out their interests in other brand new academic aspects. You could also find the right career after your educational pursuit abroad. Some people find thins to be passionate about – a certain purpose, a philosophy, new friends, and of course, new romantic partners.

With all the thrills, nervousness and excitement that comes with going to a new place, do not forget that studying abroad is like life itself – a journey, not a destination. A series of moments and events will change who you are and how you see the world in perhaps both good AND difficult ways. The most important thing about your international experience is that what you put into it is what you get out of it.

If your mind set on getting to that new place is to “merely” get a degree, then you are most likely to spend most of your time studying and trying to achieve that mind set. Hereby, missing out on getting to know all the new culture the new people around you have to offer. In this case you might think of your journey as highway or freeway that carries you straight and fast to your destination, with only pit stops to refuel. If you expect to make new friends and get new cultural experiences, then – with some winding trails, detours, and bumps in the road – you will most likely pursue these options – with some interesting travels and scenic view side-roads along the way. Remember that what you expect sometimes changes your experience.

Good luck!


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