
What Makes Christmas Celebration In Nigeria The Best?

Christmas is Every 25th of December, Yes, We Know! But Why Does Nigerians Look Up to It? Check These 4 Tips.

Christmas Nigeria
How Nigerians Celebrate Christmas

Christmas is Every 25th of December, Yes, We Know! But Why Does Nigerians Look Up to It? Check These 4 Tips

Christmas has always been celebrated for over many years now. As it has been adopted by Christians, even before my great grand fathers were born. It is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who in history was given birth to in Bethlehem.



Christmas celebration is common among Christians in Nigeria and all over the world as they look vulnerably happy when December is around. Let’s look at the 4 reasons.

1. Alive and Healthy: A lot of people are always happy for one thing during this season, Being Alive and healthy.

It’s always by grace to witness the celebration of Christmas nevertheless of what they might be going through.

2. Family & Friends Re-union: It’s not a news that Nigerian parents love to see their children and grandchildren during Christmas period.

They tend to be happier welcoming them and you can always see that on their face. In Nigeria, everyone in the family is awesomely looking up to Christmas. They would love to be home this time of the year. This gives them the opportunity to meet their family and friends even if it’s only once in a year.

3.  FFD (Free Food Day): This might sound so funny but actually it’s so real. The only statement most people in Nigeria tend to listen to is “FOOD IS READY”, apart from that they wouldn’t want to visit you. To be honest, it’s what I listen to whenever I visit anyone during Christmas celebration in my neighborhood.

People look up to this day, they surely know food would be free everywhere. Some might even take part of it home in a take away pack to feed on later at their convenience. This isn’t a sort of crime whatsoever, but a way of celebrating this lovely season with ourselves, in fact, I wait for Christmas because of this sometimes.

4. Exchanging of Gifts: Nigerians, old and young, married and single, love holiday seasons for its obvious perks: getting away from work at least for some time, spending time with friends and family, and exchanging gifts.

Everyone love what the season brings to the table that we love to see it celebrated more than once in a year. Also the yuletide seasons comes with much promotions and discounts on shopping in stores throughout in the country.


May the blessing and grace of this New Year brings your family more joy and everlasting wealthy life!





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