Every day we hear on the radio, watch on social media and read on the newspaper various mid disturbing and gruesome acts such as public flogging, cannibalism, stoning and so on. Even though these acts are frowned at in our country and are treated as a serious offense, there are certain countries where these acts are legal. Shocked? Its the gospel truth. Do you want to know which countries provide legality to certain gruesome acts? Today, I present to you 7 gruesome acts that are legal in some countries. Have a look:
1. Cannibalism
Cannibalism is gruesome no matter how you place it. For a human to eat another human flesh is simply horrific. If you were thinking cannibalism only happens in horror movies well think again. In counties like Indonesia, the Uganda, and the Cambodia cannibalism is still practiced.
2. Necrophilia
Necrophilia is disgusting no matter the reason. There is no reasonable state to explain necrophilia, but still, it is allowed. Necrophilia, in case this is your first time seeing this word, is having sexual acts/intercourse on the dead. Morticians and murderers have admitted it. This gruesome act is allowed in some states in America, India and regions of Africa.
3. Beastility
Beastiality is a word that describes sexual intercourse between a human and an animal. While this seen as a taboo in serious offense in Africa and some certain part of the word, it is considered just a fetish and people are allowed to engage in this act in countries like Finland, Hungary, and several states in America.
4. Lapidation
Succinctly, lapidation is execution by stoning. Women are buried above their breast, men are buried up to their waist, they are slain with rocks and stones. This is a legal means of execution in countries like Iraq, Iran, Yemen etc. In some cases of lapidation, if the person can escape, he/she are freed. However, women have lesser chances of escaping because of how deep they are buried.
5. Judicial Corporal Punishment
Judicial corporal punishment is the infliction of physical pain on someone for breaking the law. The method use can be different including beating, whipping and more. The results are cuts and deep bruises that can take up to 4-6 months to properly heal. Judicial corporal punishment is allowed in countries like Saudi-Arabia, Pakistian, Iraq, Iran and several Islamic countries.
6. Marital Rape
When a woman says “I do” at the altar, that does means a “yes” whenever her husband is horny. But over the years, there have been cases where men have forced themselves on their wives. This act is seen as unacceptable in some part but in countries like China, Afghanistan, and India, it is legal when a man forces himself on his wife without her consent.
7. Incest
Incest can be defined as a sexual relationship between two people who are closely related as siblings, cousins, nephews etc. While this is highly frowned out In the 54 countries of Africa and some part of the word, it is legal in countries like Republic of Ireland, Germany etc.
Do you know about more of them? Let’s hear from you in the comment section below.