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7 Great Ways of Expressing Love

Looking for a means of expressing yourself to your significant other?

love you

Reading this already shows that you care about your partner and are willing to go the extra mile to make things more beautiful to an already beautiful relationship. These tips are meant to add significant value to you and your partner. Sometimes, it’s the little things that count.

Here are 7 Great Ways of Expressing Love:

Treating Family and Friends Well

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Taking the time to really get to know your partners family and friends as individuals and not just some relatives that you have to impress shows you’re interested in the big picture. Asking questions, listening, helping out in the kitchen, celebrating major holidays or even throwing a party for them are means you can use to create a bond and say “I Love You”.

Remembering Birthdays and Anniversaries

Getting a present for your partner during their birthday is a big turn on for them. Make sure to set up a plan or set of activities or you can take them out on a date. The focus here is to set aside time to be with them on their special day, showing how much you love and care for them.

Giving Genuine and Timely Compliments         

Giving the right compliment can go long way to making your partners day. Did she get her hair done? Did he start working out in the gym? Telling them they look great will increase their confidence and overall self-esteem. Compliment their clothes, cooking and work success.

Forgiveness and Compromise

love you


Sometimes, just saying I love you, won’t seal the deal. Learn to forgive immediately and talk about situations as soon as possible as this promotes a healthy relationship. Share your concerns and be willing to compromise for the greater good of your relationship. One way of learning this is to give your partner of value of yours and ask them to return it only when you’ve shown genuine love to them.

When Your Partner is Sick

Help out in the house by doing the necessary chores and making it very conducive for both of you. Taking care of her, listening to her and making sure she has all she needs to get better, shows her you care deeply for her and will stick for a long time.

About to Breakup

True love comes from being honest with your partner, so be honest about your feelings. Take time apart and discuss your concerns about the relationship. Direct your attention to them, showing you are willing to work things out if you decide no to breakup.

In Public

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You can tell your partner you love them by passing a note to them or just shout it for the whole world to know, this shows your partner you’re not ashamed of being with them and your relationship with them.


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