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Types of Compliment Your Bobo Will Definitely Want to Hear

Dear sister, try these simple tips and see your bobo fall in love with you over and again

Types of Compliment Your Bobo Will Definitely Want to Hear

Ladies, when it comes to men, not all compliments are created equally and men respond to praise and appreciation just as much as you do. Whatever the reason, women tend to get the lion’s share of verbal praise when it comes to how they look and how they make men feel.

Here are six kinds of compliments that men would love to hear more often.

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  1. Compliments that show that you believe in himOne of the biggest things that will make a guy melt is when he knows that his partner supports him and believes in him. This is one of the most consistent things that you’ll hear from the mouth of any man. Ladies, when you say any variation of ‘I believe in you’ It makes your partner feel like a superhero who can achieve anything. You should try it. For Example, Of course, you got this babe. You’re talented, hard-working, and everyone knows it. I’m so proud of you.
  2. Body and appearance-specific compliments: Although men do not get as much body shaming as the average woman does in society, guys are still insecure about certain elements of their physical appearance. Besides, every person likes knowing that their partner finds them pleasing. Whether it’s his arms, hands, eyes, thighs, etc that are on the receiving end of the compliment, guys aren’t too picky at all. For Example, You are handsome but today ehn, you fine die.
  3. Compliments that acknowledge his efforts: Everyone likes to be recognized for the effort and work that they put into their relationship. So let your man know that you appreciate all he does for you, even in the little things. For Example, He took out the garbage, replaced the light bulb, or did the dishes.  Whatever it is, recognize him for his acts of service every now and then.
  4. Compliments that show that you respect him: Men interpret respect as love and they put a higher emotional bonus on feeling respected than necessarily feeling loved. It’s important to note that your man likely wants to feel respected within your relationship. For Example, You’re a good man and I’m proud of you.
  5. Compliments that show that you trust him and his ability to lead: Majority of men have deep level love of being seen as the leader in their lives and relationships, this may be due to societal conditioning or even biology, we do not know and you cannot be so sure. Let your man know that you see him all the time and that you trust his way of being in the world. For example, You’ve never steered us wrong in the past, I would follow you anywhere.
  6. Compliments that show that you are affected by him: All men know the feeling of having someone walk past them who is so attractive that their heart beats extra or pumps more blood in quick succession. That intoxicating rush of attraction that you feel for him is a potent one and you should let him know. For Example, I can’t help but blush around you, You always know how to make me smile.

Try these simple tips and see your relationship go from bland to glam, literally.


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