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To have beautiful skin is not as hard as it sounds. Here are a few simple skincare tips if you want to have beautiful skin

To have beautiful skin is not as hard as it sounds. Here are a few simple skincare tips if you want to have beautiful skin

Do you have acne, fine lines, dry skin, oily skin, or any other of the plenty skin problem that women and men have? Oya read this article to the end and find out tips that will guide you on your way to beautiful, glowing, and healthy skin.

The tips in this article will hopefully give you some idea on what’s going on with your skin and how to take care of it.

READ ALSO: Skin – An Organ of Protection

  • Make sure you drink plenty of water as water is known to be beneficial to your body in many ways. Drinking water will help your skin get the moisture it requires and also help your skin’s elasticity as well as its general smoothness. Keeping your skin hydrated is one of the many things that dermatologists will tell you are in the ten commandments of skincare.
  • Do not shave your skin if it dry. Trying to shave your dry skin without any shaving cream may cause serious irritation and ingrown hairs. Also, note that immediately you are done shaving(with a cream) use lotion on your skin. This will relieve irritation and increase the moisture level of your skin.
  • You need to identify what kind of skin you have in order to treat it well. For example, if you are in the category of skin dry, you will notice your skin is most likely tight and can even flaky after washing.
  • If you have oily skin, make sure to use a gel-based or foaming cleanser both in the morning and at night. Cleansers targeted specifically for the oily skin will help wash away excess oils and dirt clogging your pores.
  • During the colder months, take care of the skin on your feet by applying a heavy-duty cream. The creams for your feet in the harmattan periods should most likely contain petroleum jelly, this will help you avoid itching and painful cracking on the soles of your feet.
  • One of the most important factors when putting dry skin into consideration is Body wash. You can use moisturizing body wash with vitamins as the moisturizers will help keep moisture in the skin and then the vitamins regenerate it.
  • Avoid excess sugar in your diet as excess sugar can cause your blood to produce new molecules that are called advanced glycation end-products. These molecules damage collagen in ligaments, cartilage and skin and cause a lack of elasticity, which in turn, causes the formation of wrinkles.
  • To fight dry skin on your legs, your skincare routine should avoid germicidal soaps, harsh scrubbing and excessively hot water. Hot water and harsh scrubbing can damage your skin’s protective layers.


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