When it comes to purchasing a car, it is only to be expected that you would be picky and you should be – after all, cars are both expensive and essential. You would likely consider the budget range, the price, the model, and even the aesthetics part of it.
You may even pay attention to whether the car comes outfitted with advanced safety features such as anti-collision tech, cameras in the back, pedestrian sensors and much more. But when it comes to safety, the tyres take precedence over everything else – just read on to know more.
1. Treads: The first thing that you need to understand that your car tyres are an essential and important part of your car. On average, each tire supports around 453.592 kilogram of weight, and that’s just the car alone without taking into account the passengers as well. As it is, the tyres face an onslaught of stress, and physical wear and tear daily.
The tyres and the treads they contain, enable them to grab on to the road securely and prevent the vehicle from sliding on wet patches. This is why you must pay close attention to the car tire treads when you purchase any new car and of course, regularly inspect the treads of your current one as well. You can also purchase new car tyres for your vehicle for more safety.
2. Performance: Your car tyres are essential to how well your car performs. And that is all the more reason for you to want to regularly inspect your tyres, and even rotate them for every few thousand miles to ensure that they last a little longer. You may also want to check the air pressure in your tyres, as you top up on gasoline for your vehicle. Make sure that your car tyres have optimal air pressure and this should help you avoid blowouts and flat tires. You can get your tyres inspected by professionals at a local tyre shop. They are everywhere in Nigeria cities.
3. Efficiency: You must rotate your car tyres regularly for every few thousand miles. Your car manufacturer should provide you with the requisite information when you purchase your car. Apart from this, you need to ensure that the treads are not worn out and if you have a flat tyre, you need to get the same replaced right away. If your car tyre treads are too worn out, they may not have much of a grip on the road and as a result, your car would not run smoothly. This can cause your fuel bills to shoot up as your mileage drops.
4. Stormy weather: When it comes to driving on slushy roads subject to rain, it is all the more important for you to check your car tyres before you turn in the ignition key. You need to make sure that your car has the requisite traction and can grab the road securely. Worn out car tyre treads are not going to do much under these conditions.
So you need to get the tyres changed to brand new ones, which come with better treads – the sort that can grip the road better. You need to make sure that your tyres come with the requisite deep treads otherwise the wheel is just going to keep spinning and sliding on wet patches. And that’s a recipe for an accident that’s waiting to happen. Just make sure that you inspect your car tyres and the treads at regular intervals.
These are some of the reasons as to why car tyres are both important and essential. They are an essential aspect of car safety and it would be in your best interest to get your tyres checked out by professionals, at periodic intervals.