
Thinking of What To Do If You Lose Your Job?

The idea of losing your job in the first place is not one many individuals most especially in our country Nigeria get to handle properly.

In such cases, you get to hear comments like; “the people in my village are following me” or “don’t mind the oga”, “it is because I did not sleep with him or her” and many more excuses. But fact is, moving on is the best thing to do for yourself. It is either you re-apply for other jobs or start-up your own business.

Although moving on may not be as easy as it sounds but sure is the best idea. In a case whereby you got laid off for reasons not your fault, just be rest assured that you can get back up there and attain greater heights.

Lately, i have had a couple of friends who got laid off from the banking sector as we all know, the Nigerian banking sector has been laying off staffs for reasons of reducing humans and using more of machines to carry out their jobs just so they reduce those on their payroll. One of those friends left the banking sector, went back to his savings, cashed out almost all of it, then traveled to China and came back with his very own customized power banks and he is doing extremely well for himself. The topping on it all was that even his former bank actually patronized him to produce as souvenirs on their behalf for a program. Here are quite a couple steps about moving on after losing your job;

Get a Professional Email

Getting a professional looking email that has both your first and last name in it is a great way to begin.

Boost Up Your Resume

Pimp up your resume but do not lie. Even if you were to lie, talk about something you know if put to the test, you could actually achieve without breaking a sweat but if not, never include such potentials in your resume as you never can tell who or when you may be sort out for.

your job

Professionalism Using the Social Media

LinkedIn for instance is a very high rated platform for all types of business men locally and internationally. Having a LinkedIn account with a well drafted out profile and a good looking professional picture could get any organization buying what you sell as regards your profiling and regular posts. This is the best place to sell yourself i must tell you.

Get A Business Card

A business card comes in handy when you decide to step out and attend functions with the need to network and get people knowing what you do and how they can contact you if the need arises. This is one of the top and most efficient way of marketing yourself and your abilities.


You could go online and surf out an entrepreneur in your line of expertise and drop a mail or maybe call if there is an available number to arrange a meeting in form of a date to seek professional advice ti be able to help you connect with the world in a better light as well as also seek counsel and directions to walk on the right part.

Have A Quiet Time

Take out time to think things over and reminisce your stay at your previous job and what may have gone wrong. It is not a bad idea to be sober for a bit but then only so it helps makes you rise up and yet much better to be able to conquer. Losing a job is not the end of the world as there are actually better opportunities out there that could be awaiting you.

One more thing, Do Not Ever Say False Or Talk Rash About Your Previous Employers.



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