
The Perfect Recipe for your catfish pepper soup

Whenever you enter a Nigerian Bar, the first thing that would welcome you is a pleasant aroma of Catfish pepper soup. This pepper soup is a delicious kind of soup that is easy to prepare with a lot of health benefits. Over the years many Nigerians have nicknamed this soup ‘point and kill ” because when you go to the market to buy catfish, you will be told to point the catfish of your choice from a big bowl of swimming catfishes.

After pointing the ones that want, they are killed in your presence, put in a nylon bag and your head straight to your kitchen to cook.

Benefits of Cash Fish Pepper Soup

  • Having a plate of Catfish Pepper soup is one of the first things that come to mind during cold weather. Rather than hiding under a blanket, a hot plate of catfish pepper soup instantly warm up to the body.
  • The spices used for preparing catfish Pepper soup makes it very effective for flu and fever.
  • The calabash nutmeg( Ehiri) used for preparing catfish soup is effective in treating headache, toothache, and rashes.

  • The spices in catfish Pepper soup helps in blood circulation making it a very good postnatal meal.

Ingredients for catfish Pepper soup
2 medium-sized Catfish.
1 spoonful Ground pepper soup spices If you don’t have the pre-packaged pepper mix, you can prepare your own pepper soup spices
2 teaspoonful basil leaves ( optional)
1 tablespoonful of ground Crayfish
1 large Stock cube preferably Maggi
2 cups of water Diced onions
A pinch of a bitter leaf (optional) Salt – to taste


  • Scrub the catfish with salt to get rid of the slimy coating on its skin.
  • Rinse with clean water and cut the catfish into small pieces.
  • Place the pieces of catfish in a pot and add 2 cups water.
  • Add diced onions, stock cube, and salt to it and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Add the ground crayfish, grounded Pepper and the pepper soup spices Mix properly and cook for 10 minutes

  • Add the basil leaves and simmer it for 20 seconds.
  • Serve your hot catfish Pepper soup and enjoy.
  • How to make your own peeper soup mix
  • Some people prefer grinding their own Pepper soup at with a grinding-stone rather than buying prepackaged ones. If you intend to make your own Pepper soup spices all you need to do is get equal portions of : coriander seeds, cumin seeds, dried ginger, allspice seed, anise pepper, anise seeds, cloves, fennel seeds, tamarind pulp and ground pepper.

What can be eaten with catfish Pepper soup
You can enjoy your catfish Pepper Soup alone or with a bottle of chilled malt. Catfish Pepper Soup can also be enjoyed with boiled yam, agidi or plantain. Some tribes like the Itsekeri and Urohobos add diced okra to their catfish Pepper soup and eat it with starch. You can also change your choice of protein for this soup, with assorted meat, fresh fish, dry fish, goat meat or chicken


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