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The 10 Qualities That Will Confirm if You Are a Likeable Person or Not

Sometimes, you should ask yourself direct questions like this.

The 10 Qualities That Will Confirm if You Are a Likeable Person or Not

Science has found that the following things I am about to tell you are the typical qualities of a likeable person. So as you are reading, just be checking yourself to confirm if you are on the likeable list or not. If you find out that you are not, you’ll be glad to know that all of these are all behaviours, meaning you can actively improve them.

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  • DO YOU SHOW A FRIENDLY FACE: The quickest and easiest way to be likeable is to make friendly eye-contact and smile, including showing your teeth. So think about it, are you showing a friendly face? This actually makes the biggest difference.
  • ARE YOU A GOOD LISTENER: You know the saying that goes everyone’s talking, but no one’s listening? That’s how most people feel. Everyone wants someone to listen to them. Like, really listen. So ask yourself, where do you fall? Listener or Speaker?
  • ARE YOU CURIOUS? Leave those people who tell you to not be so nosy all the time. Research says that curiosity actually strengthens relationships and bonds. Being curious means you will definitely be a better listener because you will want to find out things about other people.
  • ARE YOU EMPHATIC: Another one of the qualities of likeable people is to be empathic. And by that, I particularly mean showing empathic body language. People like YOU better when you are naturally empathic. It can be learnt so that it is conscious.
  • DO YOU GIVE COMPLIMENTS: Who does not like a good compliment? So why don’t you give compliments? If you compliment someone as friendly and helpful, people will start to think of you as friendly and helpful.
  • DO YOU JUDGE PEOPLE? When people hear your name, does judging come to their mind? You of all people should know that it is not a good feeling when you are being judged. You should practice keeping an open mind, taking other people’s perspective and being curious instead of passing judgment.
  • ARE YOU GENUINE: While some of these tips might sound like you are supposed to pretend, that’s not how it’s meant. In fact, being genuine and honest with people is another one of the qualities of likeable people.
  • DO YOU HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR: Lastly, do you have a sense of humour, do you make others laugh? We already know that we like funny people more but science was friendly enough to give us back up on this one: Showing humour and making someone else laugh positively influences how the other person sees you. As in, they’ll like you better!


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