Some people call it body art, some simply call it a tattoo, but whatever name you to choose to call it, the tattoo is on the rise in Nigeria. Are you already having one or are you planning on getting one then you need to read this article to the last word? According to stats, it is estimated that one-tenth of adults in urban cities urban cities in Nigeria has at least one tattoo. Getting it may give you the “swag” but it comes with a lot of long-term medical risks.
While your favorite celeb might flaunt it on social media and music videos, it is important to note that on a daily basis, more people are developing life-threatening infections from contaminated tattoo inks, as well as severe reactions to the inks.
Server effects
Server effects involving tattoo have been common in recent times. The rule of the thumb is this: Before you go to a tattoo shop to get a tattoo, you should have knowledge of some key questions. You should especially be concerned about tattoo ink and unsafe practices.
People who have at least one tattoo experience some kind of complications such as rash, unbearable itching or rash that lasts up to five months and sometimes years. Some of these server reactions can be treated with anti-inflammatory steroids, while others may require laser surgery. In some cases, it could lead to skin lesions or scar tissue, and may even require surgery to remove the tattooed area of the skin.
The scar tissue may arise when you get a tattoo or you develop small bumps or knots around the tattoed area which is medically known as “granulomas”. Some people even suffer swelling or intense burning on their tattoo when they have Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Often times, most tattoos artist do not sterilize their needles after using it on a customer and if by chance that customer is HIV positive, you put of yourself at risk of being infected with the virus too.
Tattoos may interfere with how your skin sweats – compared with non-inked skin, tattooed skin releases about 50% less sweat. It won’t really Matter if you have a single small tattoo but if you have a single small tattoo but if you have a large tattoo particularly on your back ,arms or other areas with many sweats glands your body may struggle to cool itself down and hold onto nutrients.
What to do if you have an infection
If you get a tattoo and afterward to develop skin reaction or infection, get in touch with a health care professional immediately.
Removing tattoo
Unlike when you draw an image on your arm with a pen, you can easily wash it off with liquid soap and water. But tattoo removal ain’t that easy as you may think. Removing a tattoo is a painful experience and one must develop a scar for complete removal.
Stay Healthy
Apart from cosmetic reasons, tattoos are not healthy for you. But if you insist on getting one, seek professional service. If you already have a tattoo, make sure do not expose it to sunlight because exposure to sunlight can result in severe reactions.