Ask any mother and she would tell you twenty-four hours is not enough to get everything done in one day, your job or side hustle, your kids, husband, social media are all asking for one thing from you- your attention.
Yet, you have bills to pay, house chores to take care of, meals to prepare and homework to do, not all this can be done without your involvement coupled with the need for rest and sleep.
The mere thought of all this can leave one already exhausted at the magnitude of the task ahead. New mums are the worst hit with sleepless nights, so little to eat and constant attention demands that comes with caring for a new-born.
You may wonder why you seem to be odd because other mums seem to be handling things well. It is easy to feel that the lives of others are easier than your own. The reality is that it may just be a front and not the real situation of things in their homes.
What Causes Tiredness?
Many factors can cause tiredness some of which are below;
Poor Sleeping Pattern:
When you do not sleep well, you will certainly feel tired easily because you have not given your body time to recover and rejuvenate itself. Mums with babies tend to suffer from lack of sleep many times. Sometimes this situation is unavoidable yet mothers have to find time to rest. Sleep when your baby is sleeping, take short rest and get a support system from family members who are willing to help you while you take a nap.
Imbalanced Diet:
Busy mums with little kids most times struggle to take balanced diet. A fizzy drink and cookies may just be what you grab before hitting the road, which is quite unhealthy. Bulk cook food items and refrigerate them. Make plenty of stews and soups, other complimenting meals will not take too much time to cook.
Lack of Exercise:
We are always guilty of this because most times, We get so exhausted that adding exercise feels so burdensome. Here is a strategy we discovered lately –dancing! Yes, while doing your chores perhaps washing plates, listen to songs that inspire you then wriggle to them. Also, try going for a short work, use the stairs. These little things amount to some exercise if you do it regularly.
Being Overweight:
When you are overweight, you tend to feel more tired and tiredness too can lead to weight gain. Find a support group of mothers where you can share and learn about keeping fit. Start small with as little as 10 minutes daily, gradually increase it till you become comfortable with exercising.
Being Dehydrated:
Insufficient intake of water makes you tired; experience bad breath and skin issues. To address this, get a good water bottle and fill up with water, keep it beside you for regular intake from time to time.
Worry and Anxiety:
When you worry too much over what is happening or yet to happen to you; you become anxious and stressed. Stress has a lot of impact on how you are feeling on a daily basis. To address this, you need to know that worrying would not change the situation only action does. When you feel so down, share your burdens with others, take care of yourself, eat well and drink lots of water.
All these will sure cure your tiredness and make you fresh for the upcoming struggle. If you are still feeling tiredness after doing all these, please see your Doctor.