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See Who’s Back Together After Years of Separation

See Who's Back Together After Years of Separation

South African rapper AKA and his baby mama DJ Zhinle are back together. the couple who parted ways a few years ago, seems to have found a way to make things works again.

Aka confirmed the news via his social media page with a loved up photo of them with the caption;

Opposites attract. 🔁❤️🧲

Recall the pair went through a messy separation way back in 2015 after Zhinle revealed that she dumped the rapper after he cheated on her.

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DJ Zhinle in an open letter wrote;

You can read the open letter below;

“I have recently been confronted with a situation that forced me to think really hard about the kind of women that I want to become and the kind of legacy I want to leave behind….

“A week before our daughter was born, I found out about an affair between Kiernan (the father of my child) and Bonang Matheba. I also received confirmation of all rumours through an honest conversation which I had with Kiernan, who confirmed that the affair had been going on for over 5 months.

“I will always respect him for his honesty.

“I have dealt with this and found peace with his choice.

“After the release of our first statement regarding the separation I felt that there was no need to go into details about the reasons, however, after the continued public display of Kiernan and Bonang’s relationship as well as the commentary surrounding it,  it has become important for me to affirm my power as a women, my strength of character,  my continued focus on my work and my commitment to being a positive role model.

“Never have I understood the challenges confronted by those women I delivered elaborate speeches to without fully understanding their pain. That being said, after a long period of introspection, I would still say what I have always said to every women who has come to me with their challenges and pain”

AKA who apologized to Zhinle in an interview said he knew it was wrong to have cheated on her with media girl Bonang Matheba back then.\In his words;

“The start of my relationship (with Bonang) was painful because at the time I was in a relationship with my baby mamma. And she was pregnant. And for me, what we put her through was wrong. And I’ve apologized for that. And I’m sorry for that. And maybe she (Bonang) will apologize for it one day as well. Zinhle was… is a great woman. A strong woman. A great mother. I was too stupid and too young to even recognize that and even see that. For me, it was never about taking joy. (His relationship with Bonang) We just found each other.” 


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