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Salt: Good or Bad?

This is Surely a Proven Way Salt Can be a Natural Health Remedy. See How

Iodized table salt has many harmful effects on your health. There is a difference between table salt and sea salt. Table salt and sea salt are chemically similar but table salt is particularly deficient in nutrients compared to sea salt.

Table salt as we know it is the result of processing to remove nutrients and adding others chemicals followed by bleaching to turn the salt byproduct white. Iodine was then added to the salt byproduct followed by some clever marketing and the public accepted the new salt product, no questions asked.

It is important to know the difference between good and bad salt. Since the industrial revolution mined salt and most sea salt has had its minerals removed before giving it to the public for consumption.

Sea salt is processed by an evaporating process which removes its nutrients from seawater. Once the nutrients have been stripped from the sea salt, the remaining new salt- product consists of sodium and chloride. With the addition of a couple of additives – the destruction of the naturally healthy salt is complete.

READ ALSO: Lower Your Salt Intake For a Healthier Life

Our bodies reject the processed salt by initiating a bodily process which expels the unnatural salt product from our system. Salt is a great preservative so you can imagine all the salt used in canned foods and preserved foods etcetera. This constant burden, taxes our organs to a point of dangerous results. Cell dehydration, caused by fighting the unnatural salt in our bodies, can lead to tissue damage and eventual cell death.

Here are some Reasons to Reduce the Amount of Table Salt We Consume

• Table salt consumption can raise your blood pressure leading to heart attacks and strokes.
• Table salt causes the thickening of our arterial walls making them too narrow – which reduces the ability of the heart to pump blood through the body, and causing heart failure.
• Table salt can cause calcium depletion from our bones which weakens the bones making them prone to breaks.
• Table salt allows helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a bacterium that can infect the stomach which causes increased risk of peptic ulcers and cancers.
• Table salt can have a negative effect on our memory, behavior, thinking and our language acuity to mention a few more negative effects.
• Table salt can lead to excess water retention.
• Table salt causes fluid retention, exacerbates pressure on the inner ear, which worsens the symptoms of Meniere’s disease, a disease of the inner ear characterized by vertigo and possibly nausea, vomiting and hearing loss.
• Table salt can increase the risk of long term complications of diabetes.
• Table salt depletes important minerals from our bodies (potassium, calcium, magnesium) which leads to mineral deficiency.
• Table salt has a negative effect on body alkalinity.
• Table salt not only promotes diseases but it is highly addictive.

The right kind of salt can be very beneficial to your health. Look for my


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