There are a couple of rules that govern personal style as a whole whether you want to change, improve or transform them.
Here are 10 simple ones that will help transform your personal style immediately
READ ALSO: 6 Tips on How to Find Your Personal Style
- Hero Items: A hero item is one that has extra detail or interest and makes your outfit pop or shine. It creates a focal point for the eye to linger on.
- Shoes are important: If you think no one is or will look at your feet, you are wrong. Shoe choices can make a big difference in the success of your whole outfit. You should buy good quality shoes that fit and are comfortable so that foot pain doesn’t appear on your face.
- Buy what you love: Never buy any clothing that is just okay. If you don’t love it, don’t buy it. If you don’t love it in the store you won’t even like it when you get it home so don’t waste your money.
- Dress for yourself: Of course, you should dress for the situation and occasion, but dress in a way that makes you happy. If you feel confident in what you are wearing, it will show on your face and through your body language.
- Dress up: Stop keeping your good clothes for special occasions. Wear and enjoy them while they are in fashion. Do it every day, not just every now and again.
- Update your underwear: Elastics life span comes to an end as you wash and wear and they also stop giving you the needed support. Check the last time your underwear was updated, if you can’t remember it’s time to buy some new ones that fit and flatter your body.
- Have a few “go-to” outfits: You can plan ahead, spend time in your wardrobe trying on clothes and accessories and creating outfits that you love so that when you’re pressed for time, you’ll be able to get up and go quickly.
- Find a smart but comfortable casual outfit: Don’t always dress in a sloppy manner when you just want to be comfortable. Get yourself an outfit that is smart and comfortable at once.
- Add some colour: If you’re a black or neutral outfit person, start adding in some colour. If you want to be seen as more approachable then ditch the black for some lighter colours.
- Update and keep your wardrobe modern: Modern doesn’t mean young but it does say that you are current and aware. Adding a few new pieces to your wardrobe each season and letting go of the old will keep you youthful in look and attitude.