Some people are known to be lone wolves who are made for a solitary life. Others have a need to be around people as much as possible. Others are in between depending on their mood.
Let’s find out which exactly you are with this revealing quiz.
Do you forget important dates and events?
Yes, All the time
No, Not at all
It is a weekend and your friends have invited you out. What is your reply?
Yes, I’ll be there
No, I can’t make it
I might if I feel like it
When you see dirty dishes, your first instinct is to wash them
Are you particular about your space
Depends on my mood
What is your first thought when you are hungry
I wish there was someone to cook for me
Cook something by myself
Find a friend who likes to cook and eat there
Most times being around people makes you feel
What does your Sunday usually look like
Church and Sleep
Church and Hangout with friends
Sleep and hangout later
People will mostly describe you as
An open book
A secretive person
A total mystery
Do you fall asleep with the TV on
Yes, always
No, I like silence when sleeping
Do you like your Music loud
Yes, the highest
No, I’m considerate to those around
Sometimes, depending on my mood