Home Alone is a 1990 American Christmas comedy film written and produced by John Hughes and directed by Chris Columbus. It was a blockbuster film back then and many still consider it as one of the best Christmas movies ever produced.
So how well do you know “HOME ALONE?” Let’s test our brain with the below session of Questions and Answer to see if we are still familiar with some of the notable scenes and flashes from the movie.
Who does “Harry” disguise himself as to find out when the families on the block will be gone?
Police Officer
Soldier Man
Naval Officer
Security Man
What is the tool that Harry and Marv always use in the movie?
Toy Gun
How many kids are there in total?
Why was Kevin scared of his neighbor, the old man with the shovel?
He told him that he killed his family and half the people on the block
He saw Buzz with a mask on his face
He told him he has a gun
He told he’s a Vampire
There are wild rumors circulating about me, like that I murdered my whole family. I am really a nice guy who is estranged from my son. With Kevin’s help, I reunited with him on Christmas day. Who am I?
Old Man Marley
Old Man Buzz
The Man at the Pizza’s
Why doesn’t anyone want to sleep with Fuller?
He likes to sleep alone
he wets the bed
He Snores a lot
Hes Dirty
How much does Kate offer the couple at the airport if they trade her their tickets?
What famous actor offered to give Kevin’s mother a ride home when there were no flights available?
Joe Pesci
Joe Martin
James Maron
Kelvin Cody
I showed up at the house posing as a cop. I almost knocked Kevin over with my truck. I robbed a bunch of houses with my partner. I tried to bite off Kevin’s fingers but got knocked out. Which villainous character am I?
What are the names of Kevin’s parents?
Peter and Vanessa
Catherine and Paul
Michelle and Marv
Kate and Peter
What is the name of the pizza company in Home Alone?
Little Nero’s
Big Nero’s
Nero’s Jr
What holiday song was Kevin playing when he tried to make the robbers believe his parent’s were throwing a party?
Christmas Carol Twists
‘Rocking’ Around Santa
‘Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree
Holiday’s blue moon