Given the right incentive, we could decide to be whomever, wherever, however, just to satisfy our personal goals and objectives. Today’s poll is geared to see what you would rather be within a given circumstance.
Would You Rather…….
Stop Aging Physically But Die at 60
Age Physically But Have Immortality
In Your Social Life, Would You Rather………
Be In An Amazing Relationship But Have No Friends
Have Great Friends But No Romantic Relationship
Offered 100k , Would You Rather………..
Stay Single For Six Months
Eat Raw Meat!!!!
Given The Opportunity, Would You………..
Date Your Ex
Sew This Shirt
When It Comes To Fashion, Would You…..
Get New Jackets
Get New Shoes
When Dieting, Would You Rather……..
Eat One Fruit Forever
Eat All The Fruits Once And Never Again
Tough choices in some of these.. Enjoyed it a lot.