
Mark Zuckerberg: Things you never knew about one of the world’s richest men

Mark Zuckerberg: Things you never knew about one of the world’s richest men

9/16/2015 - EDITORIAL USE ONLY Undated handout photo issued by Facebook of Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. (Photo by PA Images/Sipa USA)

Mark Zuckerberg is a standout amongst the most popular CEOS on the planet, and what he has accomplished at 35 years of age is entirely stunning. He was born on May 14, 1984, in White Plains, New York.
Mark Zuckerberg is the co-founder of Facebook – a social network site. He left Harvard after his sophomore year to focus on the site, the client base of which has developed to in excess of 2 billion individuals, making Zuckerberg a very rich and influential person.

Mark, being a genius, has made a lot more programming projects than just Facebook. Be that as it may, Facebook became popular and has turned into a profoundly productive, worldwide phenomenon that is used by everybody from secondary school students to government pioneers that are crusading for elections. It has evolved from the initial concept of associating with people to an advertisement platform.

Below are some facts you don’t know about Mark Zuckerberg

1. He has been inventing since 12 years
He has been a software developer since mid school. At the point when Zuckerberg was 12, he made a texting program that he called ZuckNet so his dental specialist father could know when patients arrived. They also used this program at home.

2. He is suffering from color blindness
So, Facebook looks blue but there is a story behind that. This is because Zuckerberg has red-green visual weakness.

3. He had a low-key Marriage
In spite of Zuckerberg’s riches, he and Priscilla, his wife, chose to wed in the back yard of his $7 million crib. Likewise, the Zuckerberg’s served a relaxed menu with spending plan Mexican sustenance and sushi.

4. He speaks different languages
He’s always been keen on antiquated dialects, for example, Latin, and he can communicate in Mandarin.

5. It was not initially Facebook
Zuckerberg built a site called from his school apartment in February 2004. The reason of the site was to make a platform in which undergrads could remain associated in an advanced domain. He later dropped “the” from the name, subsequently making Facebook.

6. He was nicknamed “Slayer” back in college
His frat brothers, Alpha Epsilon Pi, called him “slayer” for his obligations within the brotherhood. He was responsible for collecting durs owed by fellow brothers.

7. He is not as tall as you may think
Turns out, Zuckerberg is just around five feet and seven or eight inches, anyway he appears to be a lot taller in photographs. The reason is that he seems to have so positioning tricks while taking pictures.

8. He is always seen in the same wears
In 2011 GQ’s Worst-Dressed Men of Silicon Valley, Zuckerberg topped the list Because of his plain and basic dressing style. He is normally found in his trademark tee shirt and pants. Don’t be carried away though, his signature clothes cost 300USD.

9. He almost worked for Microsoft
Microsoft tried to get Synapse Media, an app created by Mark and his friend Adam D’Angelo (founder of Quora) but they later got a patent for the tech and headed off to college.

10. He earns $1 yearly as his basic salary!
So much for being a billionaire, well that is definitely not what he gets on a daily basis. This is just what most CEOs do to safeguard them huge taxes.
Mark Zuckerberg and his story are astonishing and helpful. Because of his various inventive thoughts and his group of capable representatives, they have possessed the capacity to take Facebook to great financial heights.



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