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It is not hard to start a business but it’s hard to actually start and scale. Use these tips for success in your first year

Small business owner, this is for you.

It is not hard to start a business but it's hard to actually start and scale. Use these tips for success in your first year

Before we dig deep and get to the nitty-gritty, let me tell you that starting or owning a new business is tough and your first year is probably going to be tougher. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart.

The good news is lots of business owners have completed their first year of business ownership and lived to tell the tale so you will be fine too.

This post will definitely help you

READ ALSO: Personal Branding Tips to Boost Business Success

  • Organize everything: There are three main parts of your business that you should keep organized throughout the year and I highly recommend that you do.
  1. Organize your money
  2. Organize your projects
  3. Organize your Social Media
  • Know your worth: Before you can really get to work, you need to set your price point. Figuring out what to charge, and then sticking to those prices is one of the biggest struggles in starting a business and a majority of new small business owners in any industry. You can follow the simple formula of (Wholesale Price + Additional Costs/Overhead + Desired Profit = Product Price)
  • Establish Your Brand: It is important you have a solid pricing structure and a solid brand identity. It is not an exaggeration when people say that your brand identity can make or break your business. So it’s really really important that you take this tip to heart.

A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another 
– Seth Godin

  • Be Social On Social Media: Now that you’ve got your shiny new brand, one of the main places you’re going to share it is on social media. Social media should be a part of your business and it’s important that you’re getting the maximum benefit out of it. You should use social media to connect to your potential clients.
  • Figure Out Who Your Ideal Client Really is: If you’re a business owner whether online or otherwise, then I am certain you’ve heard the term “ideal client” more than once. Defining your ideal client is one of, if not the most important part of developing your business. It can also be one of the most frustrating and stressful parts.
  • A Thick Skin Will Serve You Well: You know that words can hurt and unfortunately running a business sometimes comes with some not-so-nice comments from disgruntled clients as well as competitors. There is no way to avoid these types of struggles completely.
  • Every Interaction Is A Business Opportunity: I am NOT, I repeat, NOT saying that you should give your business card and a sales pitch to every person that you meet in your daily life. Don’t do that. Instead, approach every interaction with a mindset of “how can I help this person”, build honest friendships and serve others. Do this enough times, and it’s likely that you’ll run into someone who needs your product/services or has a friend or family member who might. It is these types of organically forming client relationships that make the best kind.


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