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How to Prepare Amala, Gbegiri, Ewedu and Stew in 6 Simple Steps

How to Prepare Amala Gbegiri Ewedu and Stew in 6 Simple Steps

You will agree that this classic Nigerian meal is a highly savory dish, always in demand. Amala is made from fermented yam. It is dried through a special process and then grounded into flour. This dish is high in vitamin C and has a very strong antioxidant content. The dish has a lot of health benefits which include anti-diabetic, lowers the chances of cancer, and anti-inflammatory effects.

The combination of Ewedu, Gbegiri and stew forms a mouth-watering vegetable soup that is not only delicious, but comes with its own health advantages.

READ ALSO: Amala: Are You a Member of This Thriving Culture?


  • Yam Flour
  • Beans
  • Ewedu vegetable
  • Red pepper
  • Red Chili Peppers
  • Fresh Tomatoes
  • bottle of palm oil
  • Locust beans
  • Potassium salt
  • Beef or Fish
  • Snails
  • Crayfish
  • Salt
  • Other seasoning


Step 1

Soak the beans for 30 minutes, remove the brown back by rubbing between your hands or use any technique you find convenient then wash thoroughly.

Step 2

Pour the beans into a cooking pan, add enough water and a tiny bit of Potassium salt then leave to cook until the bean is very soft or watery then add 1 ½ cooking spoon of palm oil.

Step 3

Add a bit of chili pepper, a pinch of salt, seasoning cube, and then marsh the beans together into a paste until it becomes creamy. This is your Gbegiri. If too thick add some water.

Step 4

Chop / slice, then blend the Ewedu, add it to a small pot of boiling water with a bit of Potassium salt to soften, include the locust beans, crayfish and a pinch of salt to taste. Cook the Ewedu until it feels slippery or draws.

Step 5

Blend your red peppers, tomatoes and the small chili peppers with onions to make a stew.

To Make the Stew

  • Add 1 or 2 cooking spoons of palm oil and slice few onions into a thick hot pan, allow to fry for 2-3 minutes, then add the pepper plus some seasoning (curry, thyme, salt, seasoning, meat, snail).
  • Leave all to cook for 10-12 minutes, taste it, if too hot or tasting raw pepper, leave to cook for further 10 minutes.

Step 6

Add all the assorted meats, fish and snail. Boil water and prepare the yam flour. Sprinkle the yam flour into a boiling water and stir, till solid or texture is smooth. Add a little bit of water, cover to steam together for 5 minutes and stir round with wooden spoon until it becomes soft then make dough. Your Amala should be ready.

Tip: Serve the stew with the Gbegiri and Ewedu. Remember to garnish with your selection of meat, snails etc.


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