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How To Live With The New Culture Abroad On Your Travels

experiencing a new culture

Ever heard the expression, “When you are in Rome, do like the Romans!”? This should be your song when you visit a new country! The most important thing when staying abroad is to immerse you in that culture. Go in with the attitude that you are a sponge, ready and willing to soak up everything your new country has to offer.

How can you live life to the fullest like the locals do? The answer isn’t any one thing. There are so many things you can do as a visiting tourist to assimilate into your new home away from home! Here are a few ways to become a local.

Learn the Local Dialect – Every region of the world has its own language and slang words. Be it Mandarin, Russian, English or Spanish, learning and picking up the language of you new country is a fun way to expand your knowledge base and enjoy your stay as a tourist!

Be On Your Best Behavior– The attitude you carry with you and the behavior you exhibit around your peers and in public says a lot about you. You should be careful of your surroundings and be aware that your behavior not only reflects you but your country as well. Having a high level of self awareness and being on your best behavior will not only earn you respect but will bring great pride to your home country.

Interact With Locals – Making new friends with local people of your community is really the heart of what it means to live like a local. There are a few ways to make friends with local people. You can attend community events or find a local hangout spot. Coffee shops, bookstores or local bars and restaurants can make for fun places to strike up conversations with locals.

Travel to Neighboring Cities – Taking time to branch around the city is very important. While you don’t want to go out of town every weekend, take some of your free weekends and plan trips to neighboring cities.

Eat Locally – Get a taste for local food by going to local restaurants. All countries have several kinds of unique cuisine options. They have just about everything you can think of including, American of course, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Indian, Middle Eastern and much more! Pretty much any type of food you can imagine. So do not be shy to try out new things and eat locally made foods!

Work Out – Fitness really brings people together! Not only is being active good for your health it’s a great way to make new friends and do activities. In most countries, especially around school areas’, working out is a part of the cultural experience. You can hit the gym, lift weights, do a spin class, swim, yoga, play football…just to name a few!

Now you have an idea what it takes to live like the locals do! So don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, experience the new culture and you are sure to have the time of your life during your time abroad.

Good luck!


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