So you finally go on that your much anticipated getaway vacation and of course you want to post some pictures; only to get hit by “the website you are trying to access is blocked due to your location”. As frustrating as it sounds, it happens. Maybe you don’t even want to post pictures. Maybe you just want to watch a movie on Netflix or a video on YouTube and that prompt comes up. Your location can dictate what you have and do not have access to online. It is a common issue when traveling.
Take China for example. Popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are blocked in the Oriental nation. So how do you go to china and still keep in touch with your people through Whatsapp? That’s what I’m going to tell you in this piece.
There are two distinct ways to bypass Geo-blocking (that’s what this type of location access blocking is called). While you plan your trip, it is advisable to know these ways. They are:
- By Using a VPN
Using a VPN is the best and most dependable way to bypass online restrictions due to location. VPN which means Virtual Private Network works by creating a tunnel for which you can send data to and from your device privately. It is quite secure and will enable you get access to sites that may be blocked in your travel destination.
- By Using Proxy Sites
Proxy websites act as the middle med between you and the site you are trying to access. It is a relatively simple way to go around geo-blocking at your new location. These proxy websites work as a shield between you and the external world around you. It is also secure.
However, most proxy websites have limited reach. The best bet for you to dodge restrictions on online access abroad is to use VPNs. And they are easy to get too. Just google it and download a trusted VPN on your device. Then you can activate it to help you browse as much as you want abroad. Try these 2 methods when traveling and facing geo-blocking abroad and thank us later.