IVF or In Vitro Fertilisation is a technique available to help the people with fertility problems to have a baby. IVF clinic gives hope to people who want to become parents and cannot have their child through the natural process.
IVF hospital is providing noteworthy service to the patients. It takes you one step closer to becoming a happy parent of a healthy baby.
IVF Works Where Other Infertility Treatments Fail
Patients move through a range of fertility treatments before coming to IVF. The failure of other infertility treatments makes the doctor suggest IVF which have a huge success rate.
You Can Use Donated Eggs or Sperm
There can be times when a doctor may recommend using donated eggs or sperm due to complications or after testing PGD. The egg which is manually fertilized in the clinic can be used for IVF. This technique increases the chance of getting pregnant in the first or second time.
Increases the Chances of Having a Healthy Baby
Genetic screening helps to ensure whether your baby will bear healthy or not. Genetic screening like PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) or PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening) can ensure whether the fetus is free of known genetic disorders or not during IVF. If there is a genetic risk you can always opt for another fetus.
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Anybody Can Use It
IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is not restricted to the mother of the child; the embryo can be used by surrogate or gestational carriers also. So, anyone can become a mother with IVF.
Decreases the Chances of Miscarriage
The genetic abnormality is the main reason people have a miscarriage. With PGD or PGS you can determine the genetic viability of an embryo ahead of time and can take necessary steps to fix it. Hence, mothers have a better chance of enjoying a healthy pregnancy.
Control over Timing
In this technology, patients can decide when they want to have their baby as the fertilization takes place in a lab and the embryo can be cryopreserved for future use. IVF also helps in keeping a gap between two babies or more according to your convenience or family requirement.
Increases the Chances of Conception
IVF with PGS has the highest success rate compared to other assisted reproductive options. Multiple cycles can be used to increase a woman’s chance of fertilization.