News broke yesterday that Unilag graduate Adewura Bellow who had been missing for days now was found dead in canal yesterday.
The news threw many off their feet as they had all hoped she would be found alive after weeks of her going missing.
Many celebrities have since reacted to the news of her passing as some blamed the government for her death.
Recall it was reported that Adewura and her bike man fell into a manhole and a storm washed her away.
READ ALSO: Twitter reacts over the death of missing Nigerian girl Adewura Bello
Reacting to the news Simi tweeted;
we need to reset this country.
I feel like us being mad at each other is cause being mad at the system isn’t working – and we have to put that energy somewhere. Health, Power, Education, Security. Everything is a mess.
We’re not even as concerned about the corruption anymore. We just want to survive. We want to get thru everyday without being victims. People aren’t running away cos they hate Nigeria. They’re running cos they feel helpless. They want to wake up everyday and not be afraid.
They want to work with hope that it won’t be for nothing. If everybody closes their borders to us, what then?? I’m scared. For me, and the future. My heart is literally racing in my chest.
Singer Runtown also shared his thoughts about the circumstances surrounding Wura’s death tweeting;
To say that I am saddened by the news of Adewura’s death is an understatement. A manhole? Whose responsibility was it to ensure that it was covered? Who should be held accountable? This was an avoidable loss. Sending strength and love to her family and loved ones.
Ace actress Rita Dominic who also tweeted after it was announced that Wura had gone missing on May 15th, revealed just how heartbroken she is by the news.
She tweeted;
RIP Adewura.. The system failed you.. We failed you..
Wura’s death has since caused many Nigerians to call the FG and police out asking that human lives be taken more seriously.