There are so many steps to getting to know the other person. These steps can sometimes be awkward and difficult especially in the beginning. As a lady, there is really nothing more annoying than when you appear dumb simply because you cannot raise any questions, talkless of actually asking a question that might be interesting and actually leads to a conversation. If you find yourself in this situation on a regular basis, then do not feel terrible.
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A lot of us have faced this same problem. We are here to help as always, In this article, you’ll find funny first date questions to ask men, which will help to increase the odds of the first date.
- FUNNIEST CHILDHOOD MEMORY: Because memories are an important part of everyone lives, you can expect that asking about the funniest childhood memory would draw a laugh or at least a smile. Sharing it will not make you both share a bond, it’ll give you a glimpse into his early life.
- THE FUNNIEST THING YOU HAVE EVER DONE: Asking about the funniest thing someone has ever done is just the right push to get rolling. As you ask for the funniest thing ever done, the answer is bound to get you both laughing or at least giggling. You have to be ready to answer this question as you’ll likely get the question thrown back to you.
- IF YOUR LIFE WAS A MOVIE, WHAT ACTOR WOULD PLAY YOU: This is a question which is bound to go down well with your date because everyone has someone they would like to be the lead role in their movie. There should be a lot of humor in the question. Remember, these questions are all about keeping the conversation going and making sure they are as light as possible.
- WHO WAS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH: This is definitely one of the funny first date questions to ask any man. As almost everyone has a celebrity crush now or before. The answer to this question would probably leave both of you laughing. You have to be prepared to say yours too if the question arises as this would only increase the fun. Before you know it, all the awkwardness that might have tried to rise in the conversation would be long gone and dusted.
- WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: This question is definitely going to perk him up and catch his attention. If he remembers more than one you are quite fortunate, and you are in for a lot of laughing. This would most likely provoke a response, so be ready to reply even before you ask.The conversation should continue flowing quite well after these questions.