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Have You Asked Yourself This Question; Why Do You Want To Study Abroad?

Have You Asked Yourself This Question; Why Do You Want To Study Abroad?

People go abroad to study for different reasons. You may decide to do so because they believe immersion in a new culture will boost their resumes.

And according to experts, students that have the same belief like you are actually on to something.

“It’s a global marketplace, and employers are seeking diversity,” says Brenda Brouwer, Vice Provost and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies at Queen’s University in Canada. “They’re looking for diversity of experience, perspective, cross-cultural understanding, global citizenship.”

Prospective students can reflect on the following advice from us as they decide whether to earn a degree in another country.

Good Reasons to Go Abroad

  • You want to work for a World-renowned company. A lot of multinational employers in particular will value skills and experience that students acquire when earning a graduate degree abroad.

These employers tend to appreciate the language skills and empathy, among other things, that can come from spending time in another country.

  • You’ve identified a potential adviser.

Ted Sargent, Professor and Vice President, international at the University of Toronto, says prospective students who know what they want to study should “scour the globe” to find not just a school with a good program in their desired field but also a graduate or school adviser they’d like to work with.

  • Better career opportunities

READ ALSO: What To Expect From Your Study Abroad Experience

Don’t Go Abroad If

  • Saving money is your only concern. It’s good to be money conscious, but students and experts say the price of a degree program shouldn’t be the only factor motivating a person to attend graduate school abroad.
  • You like the program but haven’t checked out the location. Do not go to a country where you think that you are not going to feel comfortable – don’t go just because the offer they give you is really appealing.

Students should take into account seemingly mundane things like the weather. Other significant factors that could make students feel uncomfortable include a country’s attitudes toward specific religions as well as the prevalence of racism or homophobia, etc.

  • You don’t know if your degree will be accepted back home. Students who want to pursue jobs that may require professional certification – such as accounting, law and medicine – need to research potential implications of earning a foreign credential if they want to work in their home country.
  • You think it will be easy. It’s important for prospective students to manage expectations about attending a school in a foreign country, some students and experts say.


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