
Facts You Never Knew about the 1,000 Naira Note

Nigerians are beautiful, inquisitive and hardworking. We are diverse in tradition and culture but despite our diversity, we all have one thing in common, the four letter word known as LOVE. We have Love for the flag, love for the national anthem, love for our family, love for ourselves and most especially love for the Naira.

Every Nigerian loves money, If you want to stop a Nigerian toddler from crying dangle a Naira note at her and watch her smile back at you. Well, Money is the basic requirement to live a healthy, happy and stress-free life. We need money to buy drugs, clothes, food, pay rent, electricity bill and so much more. Money elevates the status and respect of a man, just like my grandmother would always say “when a man get money people he nor know go say them be family”. Unlike animals and plants, money defines our existence- you and I cannot live without it.

In regards to the Naira notes, the one we all cherish the most is the N1000 note. Even a Nigerian kid who can’t read or write will pick the N1000 note over a 50 Note. Unlike the popular Icons we have on other Naira notes, many Nigerians barely know about Alhaji Aliyu Mai Bornu, one of the men who is engraved on the N1000 Naira note. In this article, I will share with you the reasons why his face is alongside Dr. Clement Isong’s on the N1000 note.
Before we get started, let’s look at some interesting facts about the 1000 note.

Facts About The 1000 Naira Note

Many Nigerians don’t like spending it; You and I can’t deny it, we find it so hard to let go of it, but would rather let go of 20 pieces of N50.

It has no Naira sign; Unlike other denominations of the Naira, the N1000 note has no Naira sign printed on it.

There is an Optical Variable Currency on it; It is the only Naira note to have an optical variable currency on it

There are two portraits on it; Unlike most Naira notes with just a single portrait, the 1000 note has two portraits on it- Dr. Clement Isong and Alhaji Aliyu Mai Bornu.

Danfo drivers don’t like it; Have you ever switched off the TV when a kid is watching his favorite cartoon? The frown on his face is the same with a Danfo driver when you pay him with the N1000 note due to the fact that it is very difficult to break it.

So, How Did Alhaji Aliyu Mai Bornu Get Into The N1000 Note?
The Nigeria Naira is printed by the central bank and Alhaji Aliyu Mai Bornu was the first ever indigenous Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria. To honor such a feat, his face alongside Dr. Clement who was the second indigenous governor were printed on the Naira note on October 12th, 2005. So there you have it, no political reasons or whatever, he deserved it.


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