
Don’t Scroll Past These Morning Routines if You Want To Be a Boss Woman

Be a boss woman with these simple morning routines.

Don't Scroll Past These Morning Routines if You Want To Be a Boss Woman

Some moves you make in the boardroom can give you the title of a boss lady so also some moves you make in the bedroom with regards to your moring routines can make you a boss lady. This post is about to tell you exactly how.

  • Make your bed: Wait, Wait. Just before you roll your eyes at the screen, read this quote

If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task, and another, and another. And by the end of the day that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.” –Navy Seal William H. McCraven

So you see that I am not the only one asking you to be a boss when you wake. Making your bed in the morning has been proven to make you feel like you’ve accomplished one thing in your day already.

READ ALSO: How To Be A Corporate Boss

  • Take your bath: Taking your bath is something that will really wake you up for good, and make you feel energized and ready to start your day. Staying sleepy with one eye open and one eye closed is not how you start a productive day and get your stuff done.
  • Make a habit of keeping a journal: If you are a coffee or tea person, sit down with it and fill in your gratitude journal. How to have a gratitude journal is super simple. You can get a notebook you like and write down your daily gratitude. Every morning write down what you are grateful for, what would make today great, & daily affirmations.
  •  Write down your to-do list: Making a to-do list is a huge help to organize your day and know exactly what you have to do and where to start. It allows you to set your daily goals and knowing exactly where you’re going. You can write your To-Do list in the same notebook you use for your daily gratitude.
  • Ready for the world: It’s now time to get dressed, do your hair and makeup (if you wear any)! Even if you’re not planning on going out that day, getting dressed will put you in the right mood to accomplish every task on your to-do list.
  • Start ticking off items on your list: Now that you’re now ready, dressed, and in the right mood to conquer the world, you should step out of the door and get all the stuff on your list done.


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