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Don’t Ignore These 7 Make Up Rules If You’re a Woman Over 30!

Don't Ignore These 7 Make Up Rules If You're a Woman Over 30!

If you love to make up and crossing the age threshold of 30, it is time to amp up your make up skills a bit. Whether you are a professional makeup artist or a passionate makeup lover, there are some makeup tips that may come in handy.

Here are 7 essential rules for makeup for women over thirty:

1. Skin is always the topmost priority:

Always keep your skin health as the number one priority. This is because even if you put very nice makeup if your skin is not in good shape then nothing is going to look good on it.

You may have acne breakouts or patchy skin that may ruin any makeup look. The best way to avoid it is to always follow a skin routine for your skin on a daily basis!
Follow the routine religiously in the morning and at bedtime. It will keep your skin nice and healthy and slow down signs of aging.

2. Keep your skin well moisturized:

Before applying foundation, it is a good idea to prime up your skin. You may apply a good quality primer or a suitable moisturizer before applying makeup.
This will keep your skin supple and make the makeup settle well on it. If your foundation has moisturizer in it, still it is essential to apply moisturizer beforehand.

3. Buy products that you actually need:

As a makeup enthusiast, you may be tempted to overbuy skincare and makeup products you will hardly ever use or have no idea how to use. Resist it. Buy only those products that are suitable for your skin type and skin tone.

MUST READ: 4 Steps To Cleaning Your Makeup Brush

One good rule that you should follow while buying make up is that you should be able to use it frequently. In this case, even if the product is costing you a bomb, it is worth it.
It will give you value for your money and make you look superb!

4. Good quality brushes are essential:

You may have a lot of brushes in your kitty but you may not need a big bunch- just the right ones!
Instead of buying big brushes, go for brushes meant for specific areas of the face. The face does not require big brushes. You need brushes for applying powder, contouring, highlighting, for eye makeup, etc.

READ ALSO: #LADIES: Why You Should Use Reusable Makeup Remover?

5. Find the perfect red lipstick for you:

It may take some effort and research on your part to find the shade of red lipstick that looks just perfect on you. Believe me, you need to own that shade!
It makes you confident, makes you look in control, and brings out the oomph factor in you. Just go for that perfect red shade for you without any doubt.

6. Follow your own makeup instinct:

Makeup trends keep changing every season. If they are in fad does not mean they will look good on you too!
Just follow your instinct while doing makeup and don’t fall for makeup trends blindly. You may admire it but it may not suit you personally.

7. Understatement is the key:

It is always a safe bet to go for less makeup if you are crossing thirty. As they aptly say- less is more! Staying understated is way better than going over the top in makeup.
Embrace your skin tone, complexion, features as they are along with the imperfections. Play with the makeup and have fun but don’t get tempted to go overboard with it.

These simple makeup rules will help keep you looking fresh for hours and fetch you loads of compliments!


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