When it comes to grooming, we all make mistakes, sometimes in the most obvious places but many of them can be avoided.
Take a look at these mistakes and follow the advice on how to avoid making them.
READ ALSO: Grooming and 5 Important Things Men Need to Note
Using too much hair product: First and foremost, why plenty cream in your hair. Try to apply appropriate amount only.
Choosing a hairstyle that does not compliment your face shape: I know you are trying to follow the trends but please check and make sure it fits your face.
Sporting the same style for the past 10 years: You will agree that it is about time to up your look from ages past. Tell your barber you want to try something different
Having dandruff and flakes: I don’t know how you have dandruff but it is okay. Get a shampoo that can do the job of eradicating them.
Having chest hair that pokes out of your t-shirt: I have one particular tribe in mind but I will not call them out. Please, let us keep chest hairs out of the glare of everyone
Ignoring stray nose and ear hair: Let us just agree that they are not sexy. Agreed?
Not knowing your skin type: You think this is only for women abi? That is why your skin is usually dry and flaky.
Not using lip balm: Because you think it is strictly for females too shey? That is why your lips are looking chapped and peeling anyhow.
Drinking too much alcohol: Before you roll your eyes at me, too much alcohol consumption can irritate your skin and cause inflammation.
Not drinking enough water: Water is good for your health. At least 8 glasses per day is recommended. Try it and see the difference.
Wearing too much cologne: Uncle, don’t be the person that chokes the whole 18 seater bus just because you entered it. Just press it small, if it is original, small is enough.
Purchasing cologne because it smells good in the bottle: You should know that perfume needs to work with your skin as you also produce body oil and they should sync.
Wearing a cologne just because of the brand name: So they said Tom Ford is how stars do and you too went to do it. No research, no inquiry or question? Bros, na you biko
Not brushing your teeth properly: Please help those who you’ll talk to and brush your tongue also
Brushing too hard actually makes your gums bleed and damages them in the long run
Not using mouthwash: For people who have M.O. This is for you.