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Best Tips for Proper Dental Hygiene

Best Tips for Proper Dental Hygiene

If your gums ache and bleed when brushing with a toothbrush or using dental floss, and you have bad breath, it’s a good idea to consult with your dentist. These symptoms may be a sign of illness. A dentist or hygienist will help you master the methods of maintaining oral hygiene and point out areas of the oral cavity that require special attention during brushing and flossing.

What Are the Methods of Proper Oral Hygiene?

The most essential condition for healthy teeth and gums is maintaining oral hygiene. Healthy teeth are not just a component of an attractive appearance and well-being. The health of your body as a whole depends on the state of the oral cavity. Recent studies indicate the relationship between periodontists and other diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, as well as the possible relationship between periodontists and preterm labor.

Daily proper brushing of teeth with a toothbrush and dental floss prevents the development of oral diseases, and these procedures are less painful, expensive and problematic than the treatment of lesions that could be stopped at the initial stage.

Everyone should follow the simple steps that significantly reduce the risk of tooth decay, periodontists, and other oral diseases. Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day with fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque, which is the main cause of tooth decay.

Use dental floss every day to remove plaque from the interdental spaces and from the gum line before it hardens and turns into calculus. After the mineralization of calculus, it can only be removed with professional teeth cleaning.

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Don’t forget about a balanced diet. Limit snacks between main meals and exclude foods rich in sugar and starch. The more often you have a snack, the greater the chance for calculus acids to attack tooth enamel.

Professional Cleaning and Teeth Whitening

You should not forget about professional teeth cleaning – a procedure carried out by the dentist and aimed at removing dental deposits. Professional teeth cleaning at a dentist should be done every six months.

Teeth brushing with an Air Flow machine is especially popular today. The Air Flow method consists of a directed spray of an aerosol containing an abrasive agent onto the teeth. The cleaning mixture removes plaque and tartar from the whole oral cavity and even from deep gum pockets. The teeth after this procedure become lighter by one or two tones.

Best Tips for Proper Dental Hygiene

The essence of ultrasonic cleaning is to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth with the help of a special scaler. It allows you to quickly and effectively separate dental deposits from the surface of the tooth without damaging the tooth enamel. Professional dental cleaning by a dentist or hygienist can help remove most of the external plaque caused by eating and smoking.

All teeth whitening methods are safe and effective, but only your dentist or hygienist will be able to determine which one will suit you better, depending on the condition of your teeth and the desired results.

How to Choose the Right Oral Care Products?

The first and main task that everyone faces when dreaming of a beautiful smile and fresh breath is the choice of toothpaste. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to this issue and first of all be guided not by advertising, but by your own needs.

You need to choose toothpaste based on existing problems of the oral cavity – to eliminate hypersensitivity, gingivitis (an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the gums), bad breath, stains on the enamel or prevent their occurrence.

Toothpaste should contain fluoride compounds, and anti-inflammatory substances to treat and prevent gum disease. International scientific organizations and dental associations around the world support the importance of using fluoride-containing remedies as a clinically proven method for preventing tooth decay.

If you experience pain when exposed to temperature (cold or hot food and drinks) or osmotic (sweet, sour) irritants, you should use toothpaste, which includes a special ingredient that helps reduce the sensitivity of teeth. If the symptom doesn’t disappear, you should visit your dentist. Hyperesthesia may indicate the appearance of cavities or other damage to the tooth enamel.



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