This post is going to be divided into parts and basically will list everything I think a female traveller should know in order to get the most out of travel experience.
It is not written in stone but it will help as a guide as you explore the world and earn the stripes needed to be a confirmed travel woman.
READ ALSO: 6 Reasons To Embark On Solo Travels
- Less is more when it comes to travelling: This is as easy as it sounds tbh. Packing light means you never have to worry at check-in, your body does not hurt, you do not pay for excess luggage and you do save time when repacking. Are these not enough reasons to follow the motto: Less is More
- Packing light: I feel a need to talk about this again especially if you are travelling solo. Once you find out that you cannot carry your luggage alone, please agree with yourself that you’ve packed too much.
- The best security alarm is YOU: What this basically means is you can rely on your instincts at whatever point. As females, our instinct is more sharpened and we basically have some sort of tingling when it kicks in. Other ways to be security conscious are Know the emergency numbers of the country you are travelling to, research local customs and cultures, take a self-defence class.
- A big scarf should be your travel buddy: From using it as a cardigan to a cape and halter. A scarf folds down for easy packing, making it ideal for the fashionable traveller. It also keeps you from needing to bring quite as much.
- Comfortable walking shoes: I do not think this needs an explanation or breakdown. Simply put, Comfortable shoes = Comfortable You
- Accessorizing will help you: Mixing and matching your wardrobe will help you create different outfits with the same pieces. You can find ways to dress your outfits up or down with extra pieces of flair.
- Be Confident: Confidence speaks loud especially when in a foreign country. Make sure you have your act together.
- Travelling Alone: Visiting places solo is not the end of an era or the shutting down of who you are. If it is what you need, you should do it.
- The local language: Make an attempt to learn a few phrases in the language of the country you are visiting. Trust me, it will be appreciated.
- Exploring the city: Your feet were made for walking and they’re the best way to explore a city. Taxis are a good way to get home when you are tired but not for exploring a city.
- Bathroom and Flipflops: A female traveller should have flipflops with her. Always.