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Always rely on these 5 key tips to overcome the fear of flying

Always rely on these 5 key tips to overcome the fear of flying

The aerophobia is one of the most common fears: affects one in six adults and symptoms include anxiety, palpitations, sweating, negative thoughts, worry, nausea and difficulty breathing.

These symptoms do not wake up only when the person gets on a plane, but also in front of other related stimuli such as packing, buying the ticket or going to the airport, among other things.

A psychologist specializing in phobias says that any fear, irrational or otherwise, is the result of previous experiences, own or external, or other learning that has triggered that specific phobia. Therefore, we will have to deal with this through the work of emotions and relearn through new experiences.

Five keys to face the fear of flying

Treatment from Psychological : The best way to deal with your fear is to start a treatment in which a professional psychologist can help you understand anxiety and gradually face this phobia.

One of the things that are done during the psychological treatment of a phobia is the application of various techniques, such as exposure. Progressively exposing ourselves to the things that scare us helps us gradually approach the source of anxiety and fear with more resources and a feeling that we can face them.

Avoidance resources: It is recommended not to ingest substances. The use of anxiolytics is only advised if it has been prescribed by a professional.

Anticipating: Just a few weeks before a trip, the person that has aerophobia can begin to feel anxious and anticipate all the things that can go wrong. This anticipatory fear can affect the performance of daily activities and cause insomnia, irritability, dismissals, etc. Share your worries and address them with relaxation techniques before your trip.

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The hyper-letter: When you expect something bad to happen, it is easy to interpret each signal as a premonitory of something terrible. All attention is paid to anxiety symptoms and negative thoughts. Instead, we can anticipate and create a safety net and distraction: look for good hobbies during the trip, wear comfortable clothes, fly accompanied, trust the crew, etc.

A secondary problem: Sometimes the fear of flying is due to major problems such as agoraphobia (with or without panic attacks) or fear of heights. Therefore, therapy should focus on treating these problems.

Avoiding getting on the plane prolongs the fear of flying, so make an appointment as soon as possible to fully enjoy your vacation. Thanks for reading


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