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8 Things Worthy of Knowing Before Visiting Madagascar

Madagascar is a beautiful country to visit and here are 8 things to take note of before getting there.

8 Things Worthy of Knowing Before Visiting Madagascar

Madagascar is officially known as the Republic of Madagascar and was beforehand known as the Malagasy Republic. It is an island country in the Indian Ocean off the coast of East Africa.

It’s always a good thing to be aware of the cultural dos and don’ts of whatever country you are visiting. For Madagascar, here’s what to consider before.

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  • Being late is normal: The African time syndrome here in Naija obviously spills into East Africa as the people of Madagascar have an expression ‘‘Fotoan-gasy’’ meaning “Malagasy time”. Being late is common to them and this is not because they don’t respect others, but sometimes it’s hard to calculate the accurate amount of time needed to complete other errands before meetings.

  • ATMs:  There is nothing more frustrating than being in front of an ATM which doesn’t work. It’s true that many ATMs are available in each town you pass by, but they often have no money available at all.

  • The best time to visit Madagascar: You should plan your visit to Madagascar during dry season. Between May and October with a peak in July and August, the country does not have a lot of tourists yet, with only 300,000 tourists per year.

  • Taboos: In most countries, there’s at least one taboo and it can range from forbidden foods to walking at a certain time. Madagascar has its own fair share so don’t hesitate to ask your guide for tips before visiting anywhere.

  • How to tip: In Madagascar, tipping for services is an action that could bring great joy to either drivers, carriers, waiters, or guides for any services you are given. Any amount you choose to give them will be gratefully accepted.

  • Always filter AND boil the water: If you find yourself in any small villages in Madagascar, don’t only filter the water, you have to boil it too. 

  • Don’t feed the dogs: Avoid giving food to dogs in public, particularly if children are watching. While your dog-loving heart will want to throw some crumbs at all your fur friends you will meet, you will offend people feeding a hungry animal rather than a child.

  • Don’t eat ravitoto before a long journey: You must not miss out on ravitoto and pork if you travel to Madagascar but you need to choose the right moment to try it. Anytime is a good time except before embarking on a long journey by car.



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