After reading and learning how to find your personal style (If you have not done so, read it here!) It is now time to for you to be able to define it. It is one thing to know and find it, it is another to be able to define it accordingly and this might be hard if you are the type that likes many styles. This post is written to help you do just that.
Are you ready?
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- Beginning to Define Your Style: Firs and foremost: Pull out 5-7 of the pieces from your wardrobe that you wear the most. What are they? Is it a blazer? Your boyfriend jeans? Your tennis shoes? A pair of nude heels? Gowns? Look closely at each of your pieces and start to notice similarities. Which, of the 4 style types listed below, do each of them fall into? It’s okay if they fall into a couple of categories.
- Are they mostly loose, flowy, textured, layered pieces? bohemian
- Are they mostly structured, tailored button downs and ankle pants? classic, traditional
- Are they are mostly neutral & dark colours? edgy, rocker chic
- Do they have a lot of embellishments, patterns, bows, & colour? feminine, whimsical, colourful
- Write Down the Style Type(s) for Each of Your Most Worn Pieces: For each of your pieces, write down one of the four style types from above that it falls into. What you’re doing is defining your style with each piece that you tag. What you would notice as you go on with your most worn pieces is that your style will probably overlap. With this, you’ll be able to define your style with a bit more clarity.
- Pull in 3 Additional Closet “Outliers”: Outliers are the few pieces that you love but wouldn’t necessarily fit it into your wear the most pile. So, look again in your closet and pull out 3 of your outliers. To really define your style, paying attention to the additional pieces that give your wardrobe that added oomph.
- Write Down the Style Type for Each Outlier: Using the same style types from step 1, now look carefully at these 3 outliers. Which of the categories would you describe them? What style type are they? Add these to your list and again, circle any similar style types or descriptive words the same as you did in Number 2.
- Narrowing Down the Definition of Your Style: Look at your list of I-wear-the-most clothes and outliers style types, take all of the words/style types that you circled and put them together. This is how to define your style accurately.
- Style Conclusions: Defining your style involves your mood, emotion, weight, confidence and a lot of other things. The short & simple answer is that a lot of people fit more than one style and it is definitely okay to fall into more than one style type, which is called eclectic. Embrace the eclectic in you and let ourselves be okay with a variety of styles.