
6 Signs The Restaurant You Walked Into Will Ruin Your Day

Here are some of the ways to tell, immediately you walk into a restaurant if such place will lift your spirits or make you worse off


Ever wanted to visit a restaurant, with the hopes of having fun but ended up all mad upon getting there?

Sometimes, the places we visit to unwind can get us all worked up instead.
This is why one need possess the ability to discern when this is likely to happen and take steps to avert it.

Here are some of the ways to tell, immediately you walk into a restaurant if such place will lift your spirits or make you worse off:

  1. The Place is Empty When it is not supposed to be: Often times you walk into a restaurant and find the place empty. Depending on the time of the day, a good restaurant is not meant to be empty, especially during peak hours. Chances are, they have lost customers as a result of the poor services they render.
  2. The Staff are all Gloomy and Unhappy to see you:As professionals, the staff members of restaurants are naturally expected to be happy to see a new customer. They should welcome you with a smile and all. However, if this is not the case, then something could be wrong somewhere. Who knows, you may be in for an awful service.
  3. Something Smells Awful: Ever walked into a room that smells like bad bacon? Ever walked into a restaurant that smells just as bad? You should walk out right away. If something smells bad, then it is.
  4. They take too long to get your order ready: This is also a bad sign. Getting your meal ready is not supposed to take too long. If it does, a server has to adequately explain to you why this is so. Probably something might be wrong with the meal. Waiting alone can even get you more agitated than you were when you walked in.
  5. The Meals Are Overpriced:Granted, pricing when it comes to meals in restaurants could depend on a number of factors. However, when it is overly outrageous, then there is a problem.
  6. The Servers Do not Have Adequate Knowledge of the items on the menu: You ask a server about a particular item on the menu and they respond with an ‘I don’t know’. This is a bad sign. Servers should be able to explain the content of the menu to customers adequately.

The signs are not limited to these alone. However, these are some serious pointers that you should get up and take a walk, before it is too late.


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