Every Gentleman who goes about his business must also pay attention to his general looks. It is important that attention is paid to details and there are numerous posts here to help you navigate your way through the waters of fashion. After this read, find others that are tailored to suit your needs.
Every gentleman should have things that guide his fashion statements and wardrobe. Here are 5 that you should start with (if you do not have any) or you should add to your already made list.
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- Knowing the difference between loose and baggy is very essential. Looser fits are exactly as they are called, they fit you but in a loose way while baggy is loose and messy. Being comfortable is all in the fit, even in your most casual clothes. Tailor your Jeans, Slim fit your shirts if and when needed and then give out all the items of clothing you have outgrown.
- Do not underestimate the power of accessories because they are the ones that make the statement. Knowing how to layer up is also a skill that you need to learn. Experiment with your different cuts of jeans and research on which pair of shoes go best with which cut. Accessories for you include hats, scarves, watches, belts and of course rings.
- Know when to go professional with your clothing especially if you are unsure of a new work environment or the office you are heading to. Leave the Jeans and sneakers behind no matter how tempted you are or how stylish they may seem. Know that not all shirts deserve ties and plain button-down shirts are a basic styling necessity. Oh!, you should get yourself a pair of loafers and dress shoe each and please nobody wears white socks again. Thank you.
- Some days are for smart casual looks and that is perfectly okay as it brings together the perks of casual and formal. So whether it is a meeting or lunch date, you are sure to be looking spot on. Just know how to balance both looks as you do not want to go extreme on one and too subdued on the other.
- On days when you want to go full Gentleman formal and pepper some people to the great beyond, make sure you pay attention to details and accessories. Of course, there are not a lot of varieties, but you can get a black, grey or powder blue suit tailored so that it fits perfectly with your height and shape. Let me just repeat myself and say DO NOT WEAR WHITE SOCKS. There are amazing designs available now or just stick to black or dark blue.