
5 Amazing Flowers That Would Make Your Garden Perfect

It is a known fact that creating a perfect garden is hard work. There is raking, watering, sowing, planting and mowing to do, but the most important of them all is picking the right flowers for your garden. The kind of flowers in your garden tells if your garden is just a” meh” or a” wow”.

Some flowers bring life into your garden, they smell nice, add color and attract butterflies into your garden to give it that wonderful look. If you have a garden that is already a mess and you intend to give it a new look or you are you planning on creating a garden in your home, here are 5 flowers that would make your garden look perfect;

1. Gloriosa Daisy
Popularly known as “Black Eye Susan”, these picture-perfect flowers boast vivid yellow and orange petal with a deep brown center. This flower smells so nice and it attracts hummingbirds and butterflies into your garden. This flower does not require constant watering and It can grow up to 3 feet and is perfectly4 capable of flourishing in any weather. In addition, this flower lasts longer than any other kind of flower.

2. Marigold
Marigold is of the most colorful flowers in the world. It blooms to different colors like orange, gold, yellow and of course white. This flower features a maroon outline to make them even more appealing to the eyes. Their seeds are easy to handle and they grow quickly so you won’t have to wait for a long time for their colorful flowers.

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Ada yang tau foto cantik ini ada dimana? Tiap sudut dari Bali selalu istimewa, nggak bikin bosen, dan selalu ada yang baru. Dari pantai, desa, gunung, kota selalu punya spot foto yang instagenic dan bikin naksir. Inikah namanya jatuh cinta pada alam?😍 KawanJO yang hendak ke Bali, mampirlah bermain ke sini. Bunga cantik bernama Bunga Gemitir atau Marigold yang berwarna orange kekuningan banyak dicari orang terutama orang Bali untuk upacara keagamaan. Berfoto-foto ria sambil menikmati pemandangan, asyik bukan? . _____ Saatnya rencanakan perjalananmu mulai dari akomodasi, transportasi beserta informasi lainnya hanya di Pigijo. Kunjungi website lalu Plan Your Trip ➡ pilih destinasi “Bali” ➡ pilih menu Others Things To Do : Ladang Bunga Gemitir. . . Ayo #MaknaiPerjalananmu bersama #PIGIJO . 📷 by @astari_yuni 📍Loc : Ladang Bunga Gemitir, Bali . _____ #explorebali #wisatabali #alambali #infowisatabali #wisatadenpasar #balitrip #pesonabali #travelingbali #destinasibali #destinasifavorit #hitsbali #ladangbungagemitir #bungagemitir #marigold #gemitirbali #marigoldbali #marigoldflowers #bestdestination #planyourtrip #wonderfullindonesia #destinasilokal #discoverindonesia #exploreindonesia #livefolkindonesia #TravelWithPigijo

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3. Pansy
These flowers have cherry faces and it is very difficult to resist their beauty. Pansies are simple flowers to grow from seed and they do well in under any weather condition. They bloom quickly and add a natural spark of beauty to your garden. These flowers are reliable and they require low maintenance.

4. Sunflowers
Just as the name goes, having this flower in your garden will instantly make it bright and beautiful. If you have kids I assure they will be impressed with this flower. The sunflower is often called the Mongolian giant as it can grow up to a staggering 13 feet.SunFlowers are easy to grow, require low maintenance and will definitely make your garden look sunny.

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5. Sweat peas
Irresistible prettiness and fragrance! This sweet pea is an incredibly easy plant to grow but if you are finding it difficult, you can easily buy a sweet pea plug plant. Sweat peas are climbing plants and they can grow 1-2 meters with the help of good support. This flower is easy to grow, long lasting and can seduce colorful butterflies into your garden. With sweet peas, your garden will definitely look magnificent.

Flowers are the life of every garden, there color and fragrance can inject life and beauty into your garden within a twinkle of the eye. There are a million types of in the world and knowing the right one to use for your garden can be quite difficult. But adding this five above Into your garden will give you the garden of your dreams without the help of any florist.


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