
#2019: 5 Best Resolution All Families Should Adopt

Before entering the year, people make resolutions as a family and as individuals, and as easy as it is to make these resolutions so also it is to break them.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make them anyway, they are there to help us remain focused and have a sense of vision on what we want for ourselves this new year. Here is the 2019 resolution you should always make as a family;

1. Get unplugged


So many times we make the mistake of making some mundane things such as watching TV, checking emails, concentrating on chatting and being busy on our phones our priorities when we ought to sit down with our spouse at the end of the day and have a light talk. This year, make a decision to set aside time to spend with your spouse and kids instead of going out with your friends and staying out late, do something fun with your family instead.

2. Eat healthy


Moms are especially in the habit of eating anything, this year, commit to eating healthy and making healthy meals for your family. I know many mothers do not think of how healthy the meals they prepare for their family are, so long as the belle gets filled up. Come up with a food timetable, stock up your house with healthy wholesome foods and follow the timetable. Always eat healthy this year.

3. Cultivate the habit of reading


If you are asked how many books you read this last year what would be your honest answer? Readers are leaders, and if you don’t read, how do you encourage your children to read? You can make everyone in your family a bookworm this year, visit the local library and borrow books that will interest everyone (they are cheap) or download books online. Find books recommended for your kid’s age and buy or borrow, let them grow up readers so they’ll be bookworms, not lukewarm.

4. Save more money


If you have not been saving before, you can resolve to save this year, starting from today. A lot of expenses went into Christmas celebration and new year. Have a budget and stick to it anytime money needs to be spent, by doing this, you are also teaching your children how to manage money. Start now! the year is running down. Make it a money saving one..

5. Go on dates


Parents, when was the last time you took a time out alone to have fun? Most couples feel like they are too old for dates after having kids, truth is, your husband/wife doesn’t want to feel old and still crave the outing that you feel they are too old for. Spend time together, laugh, have fun and don’t let anything sour your mood during the outing, that’s how to feel young again. The closeness, romance, and quiet will also do your marriage a whole lot of good.

Those happy families didn’t get there by magic, they plan and also follow it. Do all these and you will thank us later.


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